Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...567891011...14NextPhil JarvisProfile620-222-7969EmailIndividual MembersJet Airwerks, LLCProfilewww.jetairwerks.com620-307-6322Fax: 888-887-2629EmailAircraft-Dealers, Eqpt & Repair, ManufacturingJP Long, CPA, LLCProfilewww.jplongcpa.com620-221-2750Fax: 620-402-6401EmailAccounting & Tax ServiceKanOkla www.komediateam.com620-845-5682Fax: 620-845-5681EmailComputer Services, Internet ServicesKansas Childrens Service League-Healthy Families AmericProfilewww.kcsl.org620-301-1072EmailChildcare resources/early childhood connections, Health Maintenance OrganizationsKansas Herptile, LLCProfile316-390-4460EmailMiscellaneous, Reptile & Amphibian removalKansas Secured Title Inc.Profilewww.kstitle.com620-229-7700Fax: 620-800-1001EmailTitle CompaniesKansas Veterans HomeProfilewww.kcva.ks.gov620-221-9479Fax: 620-221-9053EmailAssisted Living/Retirement Community/Nursing HomeKent B. Miller, CPAProfile620-222-2732EmailAccounting & Tax ServiceWinfield Noon Kiwanis ClubProfile620-218-0439EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_Profit, Clubs and OrganizationsKline Ford, Inc.Profileklinemotors.com620-221-2040Fax: 620-221-9024EmailAutomobile Dealers, Automobile Repairs, Service and PartsKPM Computer Solutions, LLCProfilewww.kpmwinfield.com620-229-8316Fax: 620-229-8643EmailComputer Services, Computers-Computer ProductsKPP EnergyProfilewww.kpp.agency316-264-3166Fax: 316-264-3434EmailGovernmentDoxa Wave, LLC BobFM/KSOKProfilehttp://www.cowleypost.com620-442-5400EmailAdvertising, Marketing, Promtional Products, and MediaKwiKom CommunicationsProfilehttps://www.kwikom.com816-674-2796EmailCommunications-Telecommunication Consultants, Internet Services, Telephone Communication-EquipmentLadybird Brewing, LLCProfile Main St.Winfield, KS 67156620-262-5697Email Ladybird Brewing, microbrewery and taproom, is nested on north Main, in a renovated 1950s filling station. Where there were once fuel pumps and tire-racks there is now an inviting art-filled brewhouse and taproom. Two hometown women, who were also avid homebrewers, took their hobby to the next level. Ladybird regularly rotates taps, offering seasonally inspired beers, often brewed featuring locally sourced ingredients -- such as Kansas grown hops and local fruits. The taproom is adjacent to the small-batch brewhouse, offering views of the equipment and production process. The location also offers comfortable outdoor seating and outdoor games. Food trucks are occasionally parked on the premises or guests are invited to pack their own picnic. HOURS:THURSDAY, 4:00 PM-8:00 PMFRIDAY, 4:00 PM - 10:00 PMSATURDAY, 1:00 PM-10:00 PMCLOSED SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY BreweriesLegacy Regional Community FoundationProfilelegacyregionalfoundation.org620-221-7224Fax: 620-221-0532EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitLuigi's Italian RestaurantProfile124 E. 9th Ave.Winfield, KS 67156620-402-2880EmailDelicious Italian cuisine. Our food is made fresh by the order it is received and is made from scratch. We love brick ovens and stoves. Never microwaved!HOURS: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM TUES-SUNCLOSED MONDAYSRestaurants/Clubs, Event Venues and Event PlanningM.A.C. Services, LLCProfile620-660-0227EmailPainting ContractorsMahaney & Tecta America Company, LLCProfilewww.mahaneygroup.com316-262-4768Fax: 316-262-4549EmailRoofingNew SearchPrev1...567891011...14NextMembers | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Membership Why Join? Opportunities & Benefits How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks? How do I join? How do I get involved? Pay An Invoice Member Login Winfield Main Street What is Winfield Main Street? Events Winfield Main Street Flower Basket Sale Mini Grants IWW Loans Business Development Resources Cowley County Economic Development Partnership Kansas Small Business Development Center Doing Business in Kansas Shop Winfield Shop Winfield Committee How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks?