Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev12345678...14NextCommunity Health Center in Cowley County, Inc.Profilewww.cowleyhealthcenter.org620-221-3350Fax: 620-221-6061EmailMedical Services and SuppliesCommunity National Bank and TrustProfilewww.mybankcnb.com620-221-1400Fax: 620-221-1422EmailBanks & Credit Unions, Financial Advisors and Investment CounselorsConverge Space, LLCProfilewww.convergespace.com809 Main StreetWinfield, KS 67156620-222-0212EmailConverge Space LLC - Coworking & Community offers a shared office space dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs, remote workers, side-hustlers, and other workforce members in Winfield, KS and the surrounding communities.Coworking SpaceCowley CollegeProfilewww.cowley.edu620-441-8454Fax: 620-441-5354EmailSchools, Colleges & Education, Vocational & Workforce Training, Safety Training/Education, Books, TheatersCowley County Conservation DistrictProfile620-402-3107EmailAgriculture, Farming Equipment & SuppliesCowley County Democratic Central E 9th Ave.Winfield, KS 67156620-222-0740Emailnon-profit county-wide political partyClubs and OrganizationsCowley County Extension CouncilProfilewww.cowley.ksu.edu620-221-5450Fax: 620-221-5451EmailAgriculture, Clubs and OrganizationsCowley County Fair AssociationProfilewww.cowleycountyfair.com620-741-7449EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitCowley County Farm County Farm Bureau Assoc.620-221-2091Fax: 620-221-0419EmailAgricultureCowley County Historical MuseumProfilewww.cchsm.com1011 Mansfield St.Winfield, KS 67156620-221-4811EmailThe Cowley County Historical Museum is dedicated to preserving historical documents, artifacts and genealogy records pertaining to the rich history of the region. Displays feature life in early Cowley County.Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitCowley County Humane SocietyProfilehttp://cowleycountyhumanesociety.org620-221-1698EmailAnimal Shelter, Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitCowley County PrideProfile Publishing CompanyProfile 620-221-1101EmailAdvertising, Marketing, Promtional Products, and Media, Shop Winfield BusinessesWalnut Valley Farmers MarketProfile Box 221Arkansas City, KS 67005620-218-9666EmailThe Walnut Valley Farmers Market is open each Saturday, Memorial Day Weekend through September from 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Available each week are the freshest vegetables, fruits, meats and baked goods as well as handcrafts, wood crafts, jewelry, flowers, and more!Grocers, Farmers MarketCowley FirstProfilewww.cowleyfirst.com620-221-9951EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_Profit, GovernmentCowley House of Hope, IncProfilewww.cowleyhoh.org620-983-6464EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitCPA Solutions, LLCProfile620-441-3142EmailIndividual MembersCumbernauld VillageProfilecumbernauldvillage.com620-221-4141Fax: 620-221-4146EmailAssisted Living/Retirement Community/Nursing HomeCustom Internet Services, LLCProfilewww.custominternet.biz620-221-3614Fax: 316-500-2035EmailComputer Services, Computers-Computer Products, Telephone Communication-EquipmentD & S Auto Supply, IncProfile620-221-3110Fax: 620-221-3055EmailAutomobile Repairs, Service and PartsNew SearchPrev12345678...14NextMembers | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Membership Why Join? Opportunities & Benefits How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks? How do I join? How do I get involved? Pay An Invoice Member Login Winfield Main Street What is Winfield Main Street? Events Winfield Main Street Flower Basket Sale Mini Grants IWW Loans Business Development Resources Cowley County Economic Development Partnership Kansas Small Business Development Center Doing Business in Kansas Shop Winfield Shop Winfield Committee How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks?