Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...7891011121314NextWebber Land Co.Profilewebberland.com620-221-7181Fax: 620-221-7304EmailReal Estate-Commercial & Residential, Real Estate/Farms & Ranches, Appraisals-Land, Residential, CommercialWee 3 KidsProfile420 Main St.Winfield, KS 67156620-301-1240EmailA children's resale shop in Winfield, Kansas!Clothing, shoes, toys, baby gear, accessories, etc.HOURS:WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY, 1:00-5:00 PMTHURSDAY, 10:00 AM-5:00 PMSATURDAY, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PMCLOSED SUNDAY-TUESDAYClothing/RetailJP Weigand & Sons, Inc.Profileteamhopper.weigand.com620-262-7873Fax: 620-488-2219EmailReal Estate-Commercial & Residential, Auction ServicesLyle A. Weinert, CPAProfilewww.winfieldcpa.com620-221-9272Fax: 620-221-1040EmailAccounting & Tax Service, Financial Advisors and Investment CounselorsWerner Creek FarmProfilewernercreekfarm.com11857 122nd Rd.104 W. 6th Ave. (Farm Store)Winfield, KS 67156620-222-4580EmailLocated just outside of Winfield, Kansas, we provide fresh, local produce and value-added products!Agriculture, Local Products, Local Retail, Shop Winfield BusinessesDV/SA Resources of Cowley & Sumner CountiesProfilehttps://www.wichitafamilycrisiscenter.org917 Main St.Winfield, KS 67156620-229-7233EmailWichita Family Crisis Center & Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center opened offices in Cowley & Sumner counties in October 2017. The partnership was formed to ensure that survivors in the community were supported through advocacy & education. The Mission of the Wichita Family Crisis Center is to eliminate domestic violence in our community by supporting survivors through shelter, education, and advocacy. Wichita Area Assault Center works with individuals and communities through comprehensive services and education to create a culture of intolerance for sexual violence and an atmosphere of healing for those impacted by it. We strive towards a communtiy free of the occurrence and threat of sexual violence.Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitWilliam Newton HospitalProfilewww.wnhcares.org620-221-2300Fax: 620-221-3594EmailHospitals, Medical Services and SuppliesCity of WinfieldProfilewww.winfieldks.org620-221-5500Fax: 620-221-5593EmailGovernmentWinfield Advocacy CoalitionProfile301-335-2715EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitWinfield Area Chamber of CommerceProfile620-221-2420Fax: 620-221-2958EmailWinfield Arts & Humanities CouncilProfilewww.winfieldarts.org620-221-2161EmailThe WAHC is devoted to enriching the diverse cultural life of Winfield and its surrounding area. Visit the WAHC art galleries, take an art class, or attend one of its many events.Non-Profit/Not-For_Profit, Art Galleries/Graphic Arts, Clubs and OrganizationsWinfield Chiropractic Relief & WellnessProfilewww.winfieldchiropractic.com620-221-1990Fax: 620-221-4523EmailChiropractorsWinfield Community TheatreProfilewww.winfieldcommunitytheatre.com1500 East 8th AvenuePO Box 347Winfield, KS 67156620-221-1610EmailTheaters, Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitWinfield Convention & TourismProfile620-221-2421Fax: 620-221-2958EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitWinfield Correctional Facility/KDOCProfile 221-9229EmailMiscellaneousWinfield Country ClubProfilewww.winfieldcountryclub.com2916 Country Club RoadPO Box 501Winfield, KS 67156620-221-1570EmailEstablished in 1917 as a 9 hole golf club by Fred Clarke who was, at the time, Manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Winfield Country Club has evolved into a classic 18 hole Country Club with a swimming pool, driving/practice range, practice putting green, and racquet ball court. Surrounded by three separate housing developments WCC is accessible by private golf carts from the homes surrounding the golf course, plus rental carts are available at the club house. The course was charted by Sky Caddie in 2007 and yardages are well marked on the course.Clubs-Country & Tennis, Restaurants/Clubs, RecreationWinfield Crop Insurance AgencyProfile620-221-5091Fax: 620-221-3360EmailInsurance, AgricultureWinfield Economic DevelopmentProfileFax: 620-221-2958EmailClubs and Organizations, Non-Profit/Not-For_Profit, Business BrokersWinfield Family OptometryProfile East 9th Avenue Suite BWinfield, KS 67156620-221-2015Fax: 620-221-2466EmailOptical, Optometrists, Opticians & Optical LabsWinfield Housing AuthorityProfile, Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitNew SearchPrev1...7891011121314NextMembers | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Membership Why Join? Opportunities & Benefits How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks? How do I join? How do I get involved? Pay An Invoice Member Login Winfield Main Street What is Winfield Main Street? Events Winfield Main Street Flower Basket Sale Mini Grants IWW Loans Business Development Resources Cowley County Economic Development Partnership Kansas Small Business Development Center Doing Business in Kansas Shop Winfield Shop Winfield Committee How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks?