Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...7891011121314NextSt. John's College Alumni AssociationProfilewww.stjohnsalumni.org620-221-1572EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitStrother Field Industrial ParkProfile620-221-9280Fax: 620-221-7782EmailAirports, Business/Development ConsultantsSunflower Apts. of WinfieldProfile785-234-2882Fax: 316-733-0658EmailApartments/HousingSunshine Day Care, LLCProfilesunshinedaycarellc.com620-221-1177Fax: 620-221-2373EmailDay Care and Child DevelopmentTaylor & Krusor LLCProfile620-221-1120Fax: 620-221-1122EmailAttorneysGregory ThompsonProfile620-222-4661EmailIndividual MembersTimber Creek Floral & Gifts LLCProfilewww.timbercreekfloralandgifts.com1307 Main StreetWinfield, KS 67156620-221-2418EmailWide selection of flowers and has many talented, award-winning designers on staff. They also have a large, unique selection of gifts including candles, Gourmet foods, collectibles, and home decor items. Fresh fudge and cookies in a variety of flavors. Stop by for a sample! HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM-5:30 PM SATURDAY 10:00 AM-1:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYFlorist, Home Furnishings and Interiors, Local Retail, Shop Winfield BusinessesEd TrimmerProfile620-262-6812EmailIndividual MembersTrinity Lutheran Church and SchoolProfilewww.trinitylutheranwinfield.com620-221-9460Fax: 620-221-3779EmailSchools, Colleges & Education, ChurchesTrunk N TreasuresProfile MainWinfield, KS 67156620-218-0946EmailWinfield's own booth consignment store. Features crafts, antiques, quilts, and lots more. HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 10:30 AM-4:00 PM SATURDAY 10:00 AM-4:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAY Home Furnishings and Interiors, Antiques, Furniture, Local Retail, Shop Winfield BusinessesTwin Rivers Developmental SupportProfilewww.twinriversdevelopmental.com620-221-6140Fax: 620-442-6438EmailAssisted Living/Retirement Community/Nursing Home, Developmental Services, Screen Printing, Transportation, Advertising, Marketing, Promtional Products, and MediaUnion State BankProfilewww.myunionstate.bank620-221-3040Fax: 620-221-7883EmailBanks & Credit Unions, Financial Advisors and Investment Counselors, Savings & Loan AssociationsUnited Way of the PlainsProfilewww.unitedwayplains.org316-267-1321EmailNon-Profit/Not-For_ProfitUrban Prairie Mercantile, LLCProfile814 Main StreetWinfield, KS 67156620-301-1195EmailMercantile-home goods. Home to Ginny's Gifts and Grains of a Different Color.HOURS:WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PMSATURDAY, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PMCLOSED SUNDAY-TUESDAYBoutiques & Specialty Shops, Local Retail, Shop Winfield BusinessesUrgent Care of Cowley CountyProfile 888-647-6423EmailMedical Services and SuppliesUSD #465Profilewww.usd465.com620-221-5100Fax: 620-221-0508EmailSchools, Colleges & EducationValentine BrandProfilehttp://bobby-valentine.com110 E. 9thWinfield, KS 67156303-669-4165EmailAdvertising, Marketing, Promtional Products, and Media, Photography/StudioVFW Post #3544Profile620-402-6022EmailClubs and Organizations, Non-Profit/Not-For_ProfitWalmart SupercenterProfile620-221-6233Fax: 620-221-3279Pharmacy, GrocersWalnut Valley BooksProfilewww.walnutvalleybooks.com228 West 19th Ave.Winfield, KS 67156620-402-2747EmailSpecializing in rare and out-of-print books. Available online or in-store.BooksNew SearchPrev1...7891011121314NextMembers | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Membership Why Join? Opportunities & Benefits How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks? How do I join? How do I get involved? Pay An Invoice Member Login Winfield Main Street What is Winfield Main Street? Events Winfield Main Street Flower Basket Sale Mini Grants IWW Loans Business Development Resources Cowley County Economic Development Partnership Kansas Small Business Development Center Doing Business in Kansas Shop Winfield Shop Winfield Committee How Do I Spend My Chamber Checks?