County Wide COVID-19 Update
Winfield, KS
07/20/2022 01:40 PM
The health department monitors the health of county residents. The following is an update to inform the community of the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Cowley County....
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SPARK Funding Opportunity
Winfield, KS
02/08/2022 11:38 AM
The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) committee oversee the distribution process of federal COVID and economic recovery dollars, and they currently have up the opportunity to hear from the public about investment ideas....
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COVID-19 Vaccine Availability
Winfield, KS
03/09/2021 01:11 PM
Graves Drug in Winfield and Ark City has the opportunity to get a significant amount of COVID vaccine for the next two weeks. We want to do our best to reach everyone over the age of 65 or a healthcare worker that wants to be vaccinated. Here are a few ways you can access our consent forms and be contacted for an appointment....
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Small Business Grants Available
Winfield, KS
09/22/2020 11:34 AM

Cowley County has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Kansas
Department of Commerce to fund grants to businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19
pandemic. This is a grant opportunity for those that experienced or are facing impending income losses
or other stresses due to COVID-19 through reimbursement of qualified expenses....
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